New Jeezy!
Still shouting JEAH! YEEEEEEEEEEEAH! and EY! every bar, the new Jeezy is sounding good on first listen. Here's the first track from The Inspiration-Thug Motivation 102, "Hypnotize". Not sure how I feel about the 'devil' voices backing him up on the chorus and I'm pretty sure he's saying "Hypmotize" but I dig everything else about this one, especially the production.
i like the production a lot, and he is most definitely saying HypMotize, but i don't like this song very much. I find it a bit boring, like i know what he's going to say and i've heard it before and i no longer am into his AYS and his THAAAAT's RIIIIGHT, i mean they're ok, but they don't make his songs better like they used to. I'm more into dipset xmas.
Oh my god, please do a post on the dipset xmas album and sendspace at least 3 of those. i have to hear this.
donezo paully
i like the cough syrupy bits? like those low down slowed down vocals - that shit is scary
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